Lavender Flowers loose
Organic Lavender Blossom
- Ethereal
- Floral
- Tart
Fine floral and sweet in taste, lavender tea goes wonderfully well with fruity and creamy desserts. If lavender could speak, it would probably let us into the secret that "strength lies in peace". Those who have travelled through the south of France during summer know the fragrant violet-flowering lavender fields. Lavender successfully chases away bugs from cupboards and boxes, and it served as a protection against evil spirits in the olden days.

lavender org.
vegan, vegetarian, without addition of salt

Ingredient(s) is grown by/in:
To ensure availability for you in the event of crop failures and delivery bottlenecks, the ingredients can also come from another farmer or growing project.
Steep time in minutes: max. 10 / water temperature in ° C: 100

Notice for storage:
Store cool and closed.
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