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Rosehip fruit spread

  • mild acidity
  • Rosehip
  • Item number: 01060
  • VAT incl., plus shipping

  • 1 kg: € 19.96
Item number: 01060

VAT incl., plus shipping

1 kg: € 19.96
Instantly available
  • Kreditkarte: Visa
  • Kreditkarte: Mastercard
  • Rechnung und Vorauskasse
  • Vorauskasse
  • PayPal
  • Maestro

rosehip org. (60 %), apple juice concentrate org. (35 %), lemon juice concentrate org., gelling agent pectin.

vegan, vegetarian
Nutritional facts per 100 g
calorific value: 595 kJ
calorific value: 140 kcal
fat: 0.5 g
- thereof sat. fatty acid: 0.1 g
carbohydrate: 30 g
thereof sugar: 29 g
protein: 1.7 g
salt: 0.07 g
Notice for storage: Store cool and closed.

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