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Organic Tea Blends with fruits, spices, herbs, Camelia Sinensis and Mate tea
Amount: 20 double chamber bag
  • Item number: 02313
  • VAT incl., plus shipping

  • 1 kg:
Item number: 02313

VAT incl., plus shipping

1 kg:
Instantly available
  • Kreditkarte: Visa
  • Kreditkarte: Mastercard
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  • PayPal
  • Maestro

2 x FINDING PEACE: white tea 45 % org., elderflower blossoms 28 % org., lemon verbena 24 % org., calendula org.. 2 x BEING A WOMAN: lady´s mantle 23 % org., rosemary 20 % org., lemon balm org., cranberries 12 % org., mugwort org., camomile org., St. John's wort org., calendula org.. 2 x FEELING WIDE AWAKE: mate 40 % org., tulsi basil org., turmeric 10 % org., oregano org., lemongrass org., ginger org., pink pepper 5 % org.. 1 x BLOSSOMING: elderflowers org., anise org., rose flowers 15 % org., rose hips org., camomile org., beetroot org., echinacea 3 % org., ginger org., lavender org., cornflowers org., primroses 2 % org., sunflower petals org.. 2 x A RESTFUL SLEEP: GREEN OATS org., hops 15 % org., lemon balm org., apples org. 10 %, camomile org., basil org. 5 %, savory org., sage org.. 2 x CELEBRATING FRIENDSHIPS: Tulsi basil 60 % org., sweet blackberry leaves 15 % org., lemongrass org., aronia 5 % org., echinacea org., fennel 5 % org.. 2 x FAMILY TIME: lemon balm org., lemon verbena org., lemongrass 15 % org., hibiscus org., tulsi basil 10 % org., apple pieces 5% org., orange peels org., sea buckthorn org.. 1 x HEAVY METAL: black cumin 23 % org., thyme org., rooibos 19 % org., savory org., purple carrots 10 % org., black pepper org., common hollyhock 5 % org., caraway org.. 1 x ZEST FOR LIFE: star anise org., fennel org., cardamom org., spearmint org., caraway org., liquorice org., cinnamon Cassia 10 % org., cinnamon Ceylon 10 % org., coriander org., sage org., turmeric 3 % org., anise org., saffron 0,1 % org.. *Contains licorice - excessive consumption of this product should be avoided in case of high blood pressure. 2 x PURE LIGHTNESS: GREEN OATS 35 % org., stinging nettle 20 % org., fennel org., cardamom 10 % org., juniper berries org., birch leaves org., cinnamon Ceylon org., hyssop org.. 2 x FREE SPIRIT: juniper berries org., burnet 23 % org., wild thyme org., ribwort 9 % org., hazelnut leaves org., birch leaves org., stinging nettle org., spruce needles 2 % org.. 1 x DANCING IN THE RAIN: apple mint 28 % org., lemon balm org., common mallow 13 % org., burnet org., lemon verbena org., GREEN OATS org., ribwort org., calendula org., Greek Mountain Tea org., rose flowers org..

vegan, vegetarian, without addition of salt
Org. Herbal Tea, Spice Tea, Fruit Tea and Mate Tea:
Steep time in minutes: 5-10 / water temperature in ° C: 100
Org. Hebal Tea Blend with White Tea :
Steep time in minutes: 2-3 / water temperature in ° C: 80
Allergic advice
oat, gluten
Notice for storage: Store cool and closed.

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